Parents’ Introduction Guide To The SATs.
What are SATs? Depending on which school your child attends you may have heard various levels of chatter when it comes …
How Useful Are The Times Tables?
The days when teachers could simply answer “you won’t have a calculator everywhere you go” are firmly behind us. It is more than likely that …
Christmas Presents: Educational Christmas Gifts For Children
Find the best educational Christmas presents for your children. Smithbrook Tuition have been up and down Surrey’s high streets this week picking our favourite educational gifts this …
5 Amazing English Language Jobs
English language will probably be a strength in any job you choose. It helps you to communicate opinions and ideas effectively; having a good grasp …
5 Amazing Jobs That Require Maths
There are every day applications of maths that you can take for granted, whether it is simple arithmetic or unconscious calculations made in your brain. It …