World Book Day
We have had more and more requests to include creative writing into our regular tuition sessions. So we have designed a stand-alone course that your child can do during the summer holidays. But just why is creative writing so important?
Moving from primary school to secondary school can seem like a big step. Of course, if your child is moving on with friends then it ...
What are SATs? SATs stands for Standard Assessment Tests They are assessments that monitor your child’s educational progress at the end of years 2 and ...
It is hugely beneficial for children to get in the habit of reading but sometimes its easier said than done. So just how do you ...
Like clockwork, the exam season is upon us again and there is advise everywhere on all aspects of exams from ...
Stress and nerves can be a good thing for a short period of time. They let us ...
Everyone is different. Like a snowflake falling from the sky, every human is individual in their creation. Whether that is because of your genes that ...
What are SATs scaled scores? The new style of SATs, that came into effect during the 2016 school year, also delivered ...
We have collated the new format SATs past papers from 2016 to help ensure your child can be prepared for what ...
Last year changes to the were made to the Sats for all year 6 students. These new tests came into effect for the summer 2016 ...