Handwriting Course
Structured handwriting lessons – designed to improve quality of writing.
Each 75 minute lesson will start with an activity to designed to develop hand-to-eye coordination, form constancy, spatial organization or orientation. This is followed by individually tailored writing tasks to help the student improve their cursive writing fluency.
Hand Writing and Brain Development
With the advent of technology, we have all been using computers more and more and handwriting less and less.
Apart from the fact that handwriting is very important when technology fails or cannot do the task at hand, there is a significant reason why children should still be taught how to write cursively, i.e. “joined-up”.
The benefit of cursive writing has been examined in numerous studies and has been shown to improve brain development, significantly for critical thinking, language and working memory.
We went on a mission to find out more on our blog The Importance of Handwriting
We also offer short courses in touch typing