Exams, Maths, News

World Book Day

World book day is a really important day as it encourages school children to read for fun, it also helps children read for fun that ...

Latest on Exams, Maths, News


Online multiplication tables check (MTC)

You may have heard a new test for times tables will be compulsory in all state primary schools. But what is it all about? We have the low down for you. In this blog we discuss what it is, how It is marked and why it has been introduced.

Creative Writing: Why is it so important?

We have had more and more requests to include creative writing into our regular tuition sessions. So we have designed a stand-alone course that your child can do during the summer holidays. But just why is creative writing so important?

exam preparation tips

Smithbrook Tuition’s Top Test Tips

          Like clockwork, the exam season is upon us again and there is advise everywhere on all aspects of exams from ...