World Book Day
You may have heard a new test for times tables will be compulsory in all state primary schools. But what is it all about? We have the low down for you. In this blog we discuss what it is, how It is marked and why it has been introduced.
We have had more and more requests to include creative writing into our regular tuition sessions. So we have designed a stand-alone course that your child can do during the summer holidays. But just why is creative writing so important?
Moving from primary school to secondary school can seem like a big step. Of course, if your child is moving on with friends then it ...
I interviewed our center director Sue to find out the most popular questions GCSE students ask her and she had three questions which come up ...
With the advent of technology, we have all been using computers more and more and handwriting less and less. Apart from the fact that handwriting ...
The current A level Biology exam is all about applying knowledge to the questions. The days have past when a student just needed to regurgitate ...
What are SATs? SATs stands for Standard Assessment Tests They are assessments that monitor your child’s educational progress at the end of years 2 and ...
Like clockwork, the exam season is upon us again and there is advise everywhere on all aspects of exams from ...