Key Stage 1: What’s In The SATs

What is in the Key Stage 1 SATs







Last year changes to the were made to the Sats for all year 2 children. These new tests came into effect for the summer 2016 and will continue onwards, in both maths and English papers. The new style of SATs tests has been revamped for Key Stages 1 and 2 in order to echo the national curriculum.
In the summer term students sit SATs in the following subject areas:

  • Reading
  • English grammar, punctuation, and spelling
  • Maths

Reading for Key Stage 1 SATs

The year 2 reading test consists of 2 different papers covering a range of topics including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Both papers are worth equal marks and are not strictly timed but should take around thirty minutes to complete. The first paper is made up of passages totalling between 400 to 700 words with questions throughout. The second paper is a reading booklet, 800 to 1100 words in total with children completing their answers in an independent booklet.
The questions during the assessment are varied and designed to not only test a child’s ability to read but more importantly their understanding of what is being read.
The questions may include multiple choice, ranking, matching, labelling, find and copy, short answer or open-ended answers.

Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation for Key Stage 1 SATs

Key Stage 1 SATs in grammar, spelling and punctuation comprises of 2 papers and in 2017 will still be optional to allow teachers to decide whether they will have their children sit the assessment.
Both papers are equal value in terms of marks the first of which is a spelling test that should take about 15 minutes to complete. The second paper is the grammar, punctuation and vocabulary test that should take around 20 minutes to complete the two sections. The makeup of the paper contains both multiple choice and short answers.

Maths for Key Stage 1 SATs

The refreshed Key Stage 1 Maths SATs test is two papers made up of arithmetic, mathematical fluency, problem-solving and reasoning.
The first paper is a short 15 minute arithmetic assessment worth 25 marks. This is then followed by the longer mathematical fluency, problem-solving and reasoning paper that is about 35 minutes long and worth a larger 35 marks. The test has a mixture of questions that include multiple choice, matching, true or false, charts and tables and less constrained ‘explain your method’ style maths problems.


Extra Information

The Key Stage 1 SATs do not have to be taken on a set date or week dictated by national timetables but should happen during May. Schools are allowed to create their own schedule for assessments with many taking a stress-free approach in the classroom.

The Key Stage 1 SATs marking takes place internally by the class teacher and results are scaled to represent how your child is performing to the expected standard rather than the old national curriculum levels.

Find past papers on the government website below:

Key Stage 2: What’s In The SATs


Key Stage 2: What’s In The SATs

Key Stage 2: What’s In The SATs

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